Category: Uncategorized

  • Why do people keep trying to jam a square peg into a round hole? (DRAFT)

    When someone doesn’t like the way you do something, they will comment and tell you the “correct” way to do it. When you don’t do it the way they like, they keep telling you how to do it “right”. Expand on… Do they listen to you when you tell them why you do it your…

  • Did they really live happily ever after? (DRAFT)

    As a child I remember being told the story of the “The Princess and the Pea“, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Like all fairy tales, they lived happily ever after. That made sense to a child with limited world experience. Limited experience with people. But as an adult, I realize that in real…

  • What a difference a comma makes DRAFT

    From Dov: Mipney Seva Takum Add a comma. Mipney seva, takum. Because of old age, get up (and move/walk)

  • Dan Fogelberg: a wise man

    His music and lyrics always move me. He was truly a Philosopher. In the real-world sense, not an ivory tower academic. He lived in Pagosa Springs, Colorado for many years. I am frequently surprised to find my personal connection to people and events. Often it’s a geographic connection. just I’ve been to the same place.…

  • “you’ll be a Man, my son!”

    Picture this. You’re sitting in an internal team meeting. The project is far more complicated than you thought. There’s no way you can meet the deadline you’ve given to the customer. Are you sweating now? Others in the meeting are either saying what we should have done differently, or trying to shift the blame to…

  • The Conga Line and Project Management

    In progress… The tail gets whipped around (find a YT video or gif) and flung off the back. Similar to being on the back of a group bike ride on local roads. After every stop for a street sign or light, the line gets stretched out, and those on the back have to work hard…

  • The Problem with the Ignorant is that they are so Confident. DRAFT

    Tim Pool on The Vivek Show podcast. 4:21/23 01:04:15 The Dunning Kreiger Effect: People who are Stupid, aren’t Smart Enough to know they are stupid. People who are smart are constantly questioning themselves.

  • Every great cause

    “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” E Hoffer See: “What’s Your Ideas Why Science Is Broken?”

  • Science vs. Scientism

    The modern-day battle cry “Believe in science!”, tends to be used as a baseball bat. When two people disagree, one side will cite something that sounds scientific or in the name of a scientist, thereby silencing the other side. I find the use of “Science”, to be the same as the use of “God”, by…

  • Zero Sum Games

    In a “zero sum game” (ZSG) one side must lose, in order for the other side to win. In life you often find people who every interaction as a ZSG. I remember when the essence of being a Liberal, was the core belief that in situations you should always strive for a win-win solution. Then…